Objective Perspective Series

The Well 1800 Rossville Ave, Tennessee 37418

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This series is a weekly exploration of MAJORITY vs. MINORITY life through music, art, poetry, and awkward/honest/perspective-changing discussion. Each concert date, along the way, will feature opportunity for a wide-range of individuals to experience a wide range of artistic expression and thought processes.

July 13th @ 8pm
The first stop will be at The Well (1800 Rossville Ave.), will feature Rick Rushing III, Courtney Holder, Erika Roberts-Blackmon, and Shawnessey Keith Cargile, and will explore the discussion topic of "Is There A Majority vs. Minority Issue?"

Discussion should be frank, honest, awkward, impassioned, and real under the umbrella of seeking to obtain an OBJECTIVE PERSPECTIVE.

This "kick-off" show will be DONATION-DRIVEN with proceeds going to support the families of the Charleston victims.

July 20th @ City Hall - 7pm

Featuring: Travis Kilgore, Christian Collier, Carrie Taylor Sanderson, and Amber Fults

Discussion Topic:
"Is there such a thing as 'White Privilege?'"
Moderated by James McKissic

More venue and artist details to follow...on facebook.com/https://www.facebook.com/events/919552841424812/

Shawnessey Keith Cargile more than 8 years ago

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