Chances are pretty good you’ve seen Cody Ray making music around Chattanooga.
In addition to playing in The New Quintet and Alex the Band, he’s also an accomplished singer/songwriter in his own right. Cody’s put together a top-notch local band of his own, and they’re playing this Saturday August 24th at Pax Breu Ruim.
But he’s not just a local musician. He’s also a local music fan. There are lots of great bands in town who have inspired him, and he was happy to sit down and offer up his recommendations to readers of the Chattanooga Pulse. Here’s Cody Ray in his own words…
1. Walter Slide
Been into this band for a while. I’m a fan of each of these individuals for their own art. Dan Nelson is a long time friend. We played in a band together in 2017, and he’s become an excellent producer and engineer. He is always gracious and takes time to share his knowledge and approach to music, and I always admire that.
Cooper Twit blows me away with his approach to rhythm guitar and bass. Where he places notes always inspires me. Jaron Utt is one of my favorite songwriters in this city. He’s always vulnerable and transparent with his emotions, and his songs always feel so present to me. Hampton Peay has long been one of my favorite drummers to listen to. It’s hard to find a more musical drummer than Hampton, and that flows into his approach to being a musician and a person. This is a great group of players and people that I expect will just keep getting better.
2. Dixon Blake Callahan
I remember hearing Dixon the first time at one of the Woodshop Variety Shows Alex Volz put on, and being so taken by his voice and his humor. “Single Sandwich Made For Two” had me laughing and thinking, “Magic Carpet Kingdom” a song about Dalton, GA’s carpet industry kicked me in the face, and "Appalachia in the Rain” made me feel less alone in this region and in this city. I felt inspired to go write more songs after leaving Dixon’s set, and I’ve listened to his album many times through since.
3. Abe Houck
Abe is a close friend, and a songwriter I’ve admired for a long time. His project, Dead Testaments captured me most when it came out in 2014. The first time I heard “Walking Backwards” I remember thinking: how did someone in this city make something so wild and cool sounding?.. The more I’ve gotten to know Abe, the more I get to see the well of creativity he is, and the depth of humanity he thinks about and makes art about. I always want to make something new after spending time with him or his work.
Cody Ray will perform this Saturday, August 24th at Pax Breu Ruim on Main Street. Christian Newport and Alex the Band will open the show. Music starts at 8, and there is a suggested donation of $10.