The Northside Neighborhood House (NNH) is seeking donations for their annual “Santa’s Workshop” toy distribution.
The Northside Neighborhood House Santa’s Workshop has been serving families living north of the river for over 20 years. Each year, families all across Northern Hamilton County get to shop Santa’s Workshop for toys, books, and coats for their children.
The NNH also provides food assistance for families to enjoy over the holidays. What is unique about NNH’s program is that it serves children ages birth through 18 years old. Also, parents and guardians are actually able to “shop” for toys for their children and pick out items best fit for them.
“This is a special time for us at the Northside Neighborhood House,” said Meghan Creecy, “We are truly empowering families when they are feeling vulnerable. Everyone wants to be able to provide for their children, and this is our opportunity to take one burden off of families in need.”
New, unwrapped toys can be donated to the NNH Main Agency at 211 Minor Street in Chattanooga. The organization is also seeking businesses, churches, and community groups who would be willing to host a toy drive for Santa’s Workshop. Those interested in donating can contact the organization’s Chief Stability Officer, Meghan Creecy, at mcreecy@nnhouse.org.
Since 1924, the Northside Neighborhood House has focused on empowering residents north of the Tennessee River to create thriving communities across northern Hamilton County. From ensuring individuals are housed with working utilities to supporting students in achieving academic success, the NNH focuses on creating relationships and connecting individuals to supports that aid them in creating stability for themselves and their families. The NNH’s ability to address the varying needs of neighbors positions them to provide a holistic support approach for individuals at all ages and stages of life.