A picture is worth a thousand words, and a thousand words can paint a world.
Main Line Tattoo proudly presents the return of the Literary Ink tattoo convention where wizards from across the globe will be wielding ink-dipped wands and making their marks, coming March 3rd through 5th at the Chattanooga Convention Center.
If you love tattoos, cosplay, and all sorts of shenanigans this is the event for you. With over 200 tattoo artists you will be able to come in and get tattooed at the show.
Walk into this magical world we’ve created for you and listen to collective the buzz of wizardry wands. When you step into our world you become part of the magic.
Dress up in your favorite cosplay and get a photo with an Owl and Wolves. Come to the panel rooms and hear from Scott Fogg, April Royer, and the Killer Destination Podcast.
Side show and Circus acts will be roaming the halls. There will be a scavenger hunt, trivia, and Board to Beers will be with us for our gaming area.
Pack your trunks, practice your spells, and purchase your ticket today to return to the magic of Year 3 and 3/4. Tickets are available now at www.literaryink.co