“What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create.”
We are wonderful, unique works in progress. Our thoughts, feelings and imagination are powerful and transforming, not only to ourselves, but to all other beings sharing the energy of life, and the silence that we all know in the deepest part of our souls.
The problem is, no one tells us this. So let me.
We have so much more power than we think we do. And that can be scary. But it can also be freeing. To pay close attention to our thoughts gives us the opportunity to be kinder than we think we can be. To be in touch with our feelings lets us know ourselves, and then make healthier choices. And knowing that our imagination is but the first step toward creating something wonderful...the life we truly desire.
This is not only possible, it’s happening all the time. The key is to be conscious.