Author Book Signing
Barnes & Noble Hamilton Place 2230 Hamilton Place Blvd, Chattanooga, Tennessee 37421
Mark Anderson
book signing event
Author signing event at Barnes & Noble Booksellers, Hamilton Place Mall
Saturday July 13, 2 to 4pm
Mark J Anderson, presents, The Wisdom of Jesus, A Close Look at the Sermon on the Mount
The Sermon on the Mount, given by Jesus, is one of the most influential passages in the history of religious literature. However, it has been used as a source of fanaticism as well as a source of deeply beautiful spirituality. The author takes us on a literary analysis of the sermon, tracing its roots back into the earliest parts of the Bible, and a careful analysis of literary patterns within the text. The result is a deep appreciation for the wise words of Jesus, which lead us into healthy spiritual lives.
About the author:
Mark J Anderson is the president of the Chattanooga Writers' Guild. He has previously published two children's books and a collection of stories and poetry. He moved to Chattanooga from Utah in 2016 and has found this city to be a fountain of creativity where he has thrived among fellow writers, musicians, and creative spirits.