Bowl for Kids’ Sake
Holiday Bowl 5518 Brainerd Road, City of Chattanooga, Tennessee 37411
It’s an easy way to make a contribution. Whether you are a bowler or a non-bowler, you will have a great time while making a big difference for many children in the Chattanooga area.There are 3 sessions, 11 am-1 pm, 2-4 pm, and 5-7 pm. Each team has four players at $260 per team ($65 per person). First place competitive team wins $500 and there are trophies for overall 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places in each session. All participants will receive a T-shirt, and will be eligible for door prizes to be given throughout the event. Prizes include restaurant gift certificates, home décor items, tickets to local entertainment attractions, bb gun pistols, and much, much more! Event Website: