'Citizen Soldier' author to speak at Collegedale Friends & Fun Group
Collegedale City Hall 4910 Swinyar, City of Collegedale, Tennessee 37363
Dr. Robert Elliott, author of ‘Citizen Soldier: From the Land of Lincoln to Iraq and Back,’ will be visiting the Collegedale Friends & Fun Group on February 26th, 2025.
Dr. Elliott will speak at the Collegedale City Hall 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, February 26th. He will discuss his book, share personal experiences, and answer questions from attendees.
In ‘Citizen Soldier: From the Land of Lincoln to Iraq and Back,’ Dr. Elliott offers a soldier’s perspective, taking readers on an emotional journey that service members and their families voluntarily endure to support and defend the Constitution of the United States.
Dr. Elliott is not only an author but also a public speaker and resiliency advocate. He works with leaders in public service, non-profit organizations, and education leaders. Following his career as a state trooper, Army officer, and college professor, he earned a doctorate in public administration, started a business, and wrote a memoir about his service in Iraq. A native Illinoisan, he and his wife now live in Tennessee where they hike, kayak, read, and relax.
The Collegedale Parks & Recreation Department hosts the Friends & Fun Club every Wednesday at the West Room in Collegedale City Hall. The F2 Club meets from 10:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m. to share a wide variety of activities; from guest speakers, playing games, doing arts & crafts and even going on local field trips. The F2 Club is for those in the community who are 50 and older.
For more information, please contact Collegedale Parks and Recreation at parksandrec@collegedaletn.gov or 423-468-1971.