Civil War History Cruise, "Sharpshooters and the Siege"
Tennessee River Gorge Explorer Pier 2 Riverfront Parkway, City of Chattanooga, Tennessee 37402

River Gorge Fall
Join Tennessee Aquarium Naturalist John Dever aboard the River Gorge Explorer for a special Civil War Sesquicentennial cruise. You'll learn the intriguing history related to the actions of Confederate sharpshooters in the Tennessee River Gorge during the siege of Chattanooga in October of 1863. Viewing significant historic points of interest from the water offers a unique perspective on this segment of our nation's past. Cash bar with wine, beer, soft drinks, and snacks available during the cruise. All Ages, Limited to 68. $24/Member Adult; $18/Member Child (0-12) $29/Non-Member Adult; $21.50/Non-Member Child (3-12); $18/Child under 3. Oct 5th at 12:30 PM - for more info visit the event website.