FATAL PLANET* -- The RetroPolitan Film Series - MOST Thursdays at Don Eaves Heritage House
Heritage House Arts and Civic Center 1428 Jenkins Road, City of Chattanooga, Tennessee 37421

James Vaughan on FLICKR (Creative Commons Share-alike License)
* 'FATAL PLANET' (working title) -- Screening at Don Eaves Heritage House on TH, JULY 25th, 2025 at 7pm
This week, Heritage House presents on the 'big screen' a true cinematic masterwork –- very possibly the greatest science-fiction film of the 1950s -- boasting as it does an A-list budget, a name cast, the first all-electronic film score, and the talented cooperation of the Disney Studios in executing its many animation effects --
In the film, a spacecraft travels to a distant planet to discover the fate of a group of scientists sent there decades earlier. When the commander and his crew arrive, they discover only two people, a doctor and his beautiful daughter (who was born on the remote planet) accompanied by a highly personable robot --
Soon, the commander begins to uncover the mystery of what happened on the remote world, and why the doctor and his daughter are the sole survivors . . .
Ranked 94% FRESH! (85% audience) on RottenTomatoes
FATAL PLANET* (working title)
WHEN: Thursday, JULY 25th @ 7pm
WHERE: Don Eaves Heritage House - 1428 Jenkins Rd. - 37421
DOORS: Open at 6pm
TRAILERS: At 6:45pm
Due to our screening license, we can't reveal the actual title of the film online --
HOWEVER, just drop an email TO:
-- and we'll be happy to send you a descriptive schedule of ALL of our upcoming films (thru November of this year.)
** -- OR you can CALL the Heritage House OFFICE LANDLINE at:
(423) 855-9474
. . . and they'll be happy to "fill you in!"