Improv For Personal And Professional Growth: 4 Week In-Person Series
The Chattery 1800 Rossville Avenue, Suite 108, City of Chattanooga, Tennessee 37408

Image via Canva
Improv is certainly a great performing art form, but it also teaches us skills that are pretty darn useful off of the stage:
LISTENING: This is the true superpower improv teaches us, and it’s one that serves us well in life.
BEING IN THE MOMENT: Improv helps us be more present and mindful. While meditation is pretty good for this, improv is more fun.
CONFIDENCE: While you’re surely already plenty confident, improv gives us just that little bit more.
CREATIVITY: Thinking differently. Going beyond the obvious. Making strong choices. These are all learnable and improv teaches us.
TEAMWORK AND COLLABORATION: If you don’t live, work or interact with other people, you may not need this. But, for the rest of us…
PRESENCE: Of course, improv helps with presenting and public speaking. ‘Nuff said.
MORE! Yup - there’s even more.
If you’re keen to bring more of these things to your life, your relationships, your work or if you’ve ever just wanted to learn improv, then this series is for you! Improv for Life & Work is a class designed to teach the principles of improv that can be applied off the stage for, well, life and work.
Don’t get it wrong. We’ll still do improv. We’ll play. We’ll laugh. We’ll have fun. We’ll just be doing it in a way that helps us apply the practice of improv beyond the stage!
Classes will take place on Tuesdays at 6-7:30pm: July 23, July 31, August 6, and August 13.
About the instructor:
Jason Parker has been teaching and performing improv comedy for over two decades. Over the years he's become a big believer in improv not only as a performing art form but also as a powerful set of skills that can help strengthen relationships, create more fulfilling work, and enrich lives. Jason is currently the Executive Director of Improv Chattanooga and has had the opportunity to train with directors, instructors and alumni from Second City, Annoyance, Improv Olympics, Upright Citizens Brigade, and more. He recently moved here from Chicago and is excited to now be part of Improv Chattanooga. Jason is also a certified professional coach who helps individuals, teams and organizations create change for a better, more fulfilling work and life.