PSC presents David Akoubian for July meeting
St. John's United Methodist Church 3921 Murray Hills Drive, City of Chattanooga, Tennessee 37416

David Akoubian
David Akoubian
Thursday, July 18, 2024, the Photographic Society of Chattanooga will present David Akoubian. Mr. Akoubian has been a photographer since 1972, when his father presented him with his first camera, but his career in photography didn’t start until 1992. Early in his career he traveled, learned and taught with some of the masters of nature photography. Since 1994, David has been teaching in the classroom and leading workshops throughout the country. He has many high-profile clients and has been published in numerous national publications. David is a Tamron Image Master, as well as a Sirui Professional. David’s work can be viewed on his website, His program will be, “The Decisive Moment in Wildlife Photography”. The presentation will begin at 7:00 p.m. Visitors are always welcome.
For those looking to get their camera off of automatic, join Boot Camp at 6:00 p.m. with Lin Prabish discussing, “Manual the Easy Way”.
The presentation will begin at 7:00 p.m. at the St. John United Methodist Church, 3921 Murray Hills Drive, Chattanooga, TN 37416. For more information call 423-344-5643 or e-mail Lin Blackwell-Prabish at
For more information about the Photographic Society of Chattanooga, visit