Do you have someone on your Christmas list that is hard to shop for? Not sure what they might want or need? Why not search for something quirky and different this year.
Chattanooga has tons of unique stores and boutiques, far too many than we can list here. But these spots are just a few we’ve visited a few times during our search for a quirky gift.
The plus? Most of these places are locally owned mom-and-pop stores!
The downtown and Northshore neighborhoods have several stores offering unique gifts and retail items. I Go Tokyo is a great place to start if you’re looking to find an array of imported Japanese goods, including toys, books, and stationery. This store has an inventory not typically seen or found at any other store in the city. The staff periodically offers classes and workshops, educating the community on Japanese culture.
Visit their website: https://www.igotokyostore.com/
I Go Tokyo moved to its current Frazier Ave. location a while back and has some great neighboring stores that are equally unique. Blue Skies carries all types of fun and whimsical items. Artisan jewelry, home goods, paper goods, puzzles, socks, stickers, wall art and a variety of items for kids of all ages.
Visit their website: https://shopblueskies.net/
All things Groovy is a funky little store with jewelry, dream catchers, healing crystals, apparel & other eclectic home goods.
Visit their Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100054994007961
Also on Frazier Ave. is Locals Only Gifts & Goods. The store sells high-quality, locally-sourced gifts and goods, supporting small businesses and artisans in the process.
Visit their website: https://localsonlygiftsandgoods.com/
Sweetly Southern, on Choo Choo Ave. carries a collection of train T-shirts, keepsakes, historical memorabilia, books, toys, hand painted glass, candies, and southern treats.
Visit their website: https://www.sweetlysouthernchoochoo.gifts/
There are tons of vintage antique and clothing stores in the city as well. Our favorite is the Refindery on McCallie. The shop carries vintage clothes and items, books, jewelry, vinyl albums, home goods, seasonal displays and ornaments and so much more.
Visit their website: https://www.therefinderyonmccallie.com/
Vinterest has a Southside and Hixson store. They carry an eclectic mix of old, new, up-cycled, recycled, current trends and more. They’ve consistently earned the title of Best Antique Store from the Times Free Press for several years.
Visit their website: https://vinterestantiques.com/index.html
If the person you’re shopping for is into comics and books, check out 2nd & Charles at Oak Park Town Center. This store has just about everything, starting with comics and books. It also carries musical instruments, Anime, collectibles, DVDs, video games and more cool and unusual items to choose from.
Visit their website: https://www.2ndandcharles.com/
Another store with a similar inventory of everything imaginable is McKay’s Bookstore and Record Shop. Two-stories of shopping fun. You might want to shop with a pre-made list or you could spend hours at 2nd & Charles and McKay’s. Both stores also offer selling and trading options on certain items.
Visit McKay’s website: https://www.mckaybooks.com/
If the person is into vinyl albums stop in at Yellow Racket Records on Main Street. They have a large inventory of vinyl albums, old and new, including releases recorded in their own recording studio and label. They also sell turntables.
Visit their website: https://yellowracketcha.com/
At Northgate Mall the Funkey Munkey Market store is another place selling locally crafted items. Handmade wooden clocks, jewelry, candles, soaps and handmade Christmas ornaments and decorations. This arts and crafts store has roughly 60 crafters selling their creations.
Visit their website: https://www.thefunkeymunkeymarket.com/
This is just a small sample of places you can find gifts for that one person that is hard to shop for.
Do you have a favorite store or boutique you patronize? Send me an email and tell me all about it.
Email: PattyL@brewermediagroup.com