Funding for the Chattanooga Housing Authority’s Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program has been placed on a temporary freeze due to funding proration for Calendar Year 2025.
The action has been taken to ensure the financial stability of the program.
CHA officials shared that the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) allocates program funding based on congressional appropriations. For 2025, HUD has indicated funding proration percentages as low as 88.6%. This level of proration could limit CHA’s ability to fully meet its obligations, leading to a potential shortfall unless action is taken.
With this in mind, CHA is taking proactive steps to prevent shortfalls and ensure that families currently receiving assistance will remain housed without disruption. Because of this, no new vouchers will be issued until further notice.
What This Means For Participants And Landlords:
- Current participants with active housing assistance program (HAP) contracts will continue to receive assistance without interruption.
- New admission voucher holders currently searching for housing will still be processed unless CHA receives a directive from HUD to cease processing these vouchers.
- For landlords, payments for existing leases will continue as scheduled.
- Relocation vouchers will continue to be issued and leased.
- Portability moves (Port ins and Port outs) will continue; however, the CHA will not absorb.
- Project Based Vouchers (PBV) will continue under existing PBV HAP contracts. This incudes eligible relocation voucher issuance for transfers to HCVP.
- Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH) vouchers will continue to be issued and leased.
The CHA will closely monitor funding levels and plans to issue an update by the end of March 2025. Until HUD provides additional funding or proration percentages improve, the freeze and steps to provide program stability will remain intact.
Officials with CHA noted, “We understand the challenges this may cause for participants, landlords and community partners. The partnerships developed with our landlords, supportive services providers, and their commitment to supporting families through the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program is deeply appreciated. Working together, we will do all we can to continue to meet community needs.”
CHA’s website offers public housing wait list information and options. Those seeking additional information or having questions should contact the HCVP Office by emailing MBrown@CHAHousing.org or by calling 423-752-4893.