Maybe you’re a young adult who jumped into life without a plan. Maybe you attended college but were unprepared or underprepared for it and left without finishing.
Further into adulthood, maybe you now have a spouse, a partner, or children to support, and you were faced with a choice of working a job or getting an education … but you couldn’t do both. Sound familiar?
When life seems so overwhelming, you might have heard about the Tennessee Reconnect Grant at Chattanooga State from a relative, a friend, or even your employer. Wondering if Reconnect could actually help you, maybe you’ve Googled it and all of a sudden you ask yourself if it’s too good to be true.
The good news is that Tennessee Reconnect is everything it claims to be, and most students finish debt-free. That is saying something. If you must work, Chattanooga State offers hybrid and online options, and Reconnect allows up to five years to complete a degree, diploma or credential.
Tennessee Reconnect revolutionized adult education when it premiered in 2018, enrolling more than 13,000 community college students that represented 40% of applicants around the state. Currently, more than 32% of Chattanooga State’s students are adults. In comparison to other community colleges in Tennessee, ChattState has the fourth highest percentage of adult students.
Chattanooga State’s Tennessee Reconnect program provides the support that adults often need when considering their future and are faced with numerous questions. This support system helps to break down any barriers that students encounter. Marsha Barker, director of Adult Services, offers weekly virtual and in-person information sessions about Tennessee Reconnect.
Adults may register for a free session at or call (423) 697-4753 with any questions you have.
- Wednesdays, Feb. 9, 23 @ 2:30 pm, Main Campus, IMC-124 Student Support Center
- Fridays, Feb. 11, 18, 25 @ 9 am via Webex
- Saturday, Feb. 26 @ 10 am via Webex
- Mondays, Feb. 21, 28 @ 5:30 pm via Webex