A Buffet Of Crazy Writers
Once there was a group of local writers. They wrote in different genres. They wrote in different styles. They were very different in age, experience, political outlook, and their stance on the Oxford comma.
But they were all writers. And they were all perhaps a little crazy, each in their own way. A couple of times a month, they gathered at a local buffet restaurant to eat and to talk about writing and life in general.
They criticized one another, brainstormed together, laughed as much as they disagreed and shared what they learned in a group that’s been going strong for more than a decade.
And now they have published a collection of short stories they’ve aptly titled “Crazy Buffet” (available on Amazon).
“If you find an author whose style you like, who stirs your emotion with a phrase, who plants a story in your mind that you remember long after you’ve put the book aside, we’ll call that a success,” says the organizer of the Crazy Buffet Club.
Even better, the group decided that the profits from the collection would go to support a regional arts or writing program.
The profits from sales of the first edition will go to the Young Southern Student Writers, sponsored by the Southern Lit Alliance and UTC’s Department of English.
Learn more at crazybuffet.club