Given the weather at the moment this is being written, possibly the last thing on your mind is plunging yourself into cascading, freezing water. But for hardy souls out there, and those who are planning for the future, Outdoor Chattanooga is offering its continuing series in kayaking skills.
Our region has some of the best kayaking opportunities in the country, so why not learn to take advantage of them—safely?
On Tuesday, Dec. 3, another practice session of the Rapid Learning Whitewater Program is scheduled. Adults and kids ages 8 and older can participate in the safety of a pool. According to Outdoor Chattanooga, you’ll “learn the skills you need to safely paddle the Southeast’s whitewater streams.
“From your first roll practice to your first Class III run, Outdoor Chattanooga’s ACA certified staff will be right beside you, helping you learn and explore. All equipment is provided.”
For more information, visit outdoorchattanooga.com, or call (423) 643-6888.
— Staff