Iveta Radicová, former Prime Minister of Slovakia, comes to Chattanooga on Tuesday, November 5 as a speaker for the Decosimo Lecture Series on Global Business at TUC.
From 9:45 to 10:40 in the Raccoon Mountain Room of the University Center, she will discuss her decision to oppose aid for Greece, even while under heavy pressure and scrutiny from other EU countries, in addition to explaining the economic differences between Europe and the United States.
This free lecture should be particularly interesting for anyone curious about Eastern European financial policies, which are often ignored by Americans who pay more attention to Western European news.
In addition to being Slovakia’s first female professor of sociology, Radicová also founded the country’s first NGO (The Center for Analysis of Social Policy) and served as the first female prime minister from 2010 to 2012. She became internationally known for her fiscally conservative policies. For more information, visit blog.utc.edu/news/2013.