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Hitler Reacts to Sofaking Juicyburger out of buns
Speaking of Facebook, a hilarious video that quickly went viral recently circulated poking fun at Sofa King Juicy Hamburgers, the “controversial” new restaurant and its trouble keeping enough food stocked to remain open at times.
The video, crafted using the popular Hitler “Downfall” meme, is a skillfully scripted, sharp-edged jab at the burger shack and it’s owners, the local restaurateurs who also own Aretha Frankenstein’s and Crust Pizza. When the Red Bank burger joint recently ran out of buns, the video popped up with a fuming Hitler screaming, “It’s such a clever name, but without buns it means nothing!” and took jabs at the restaurant’s slow opening (“The Monen’s have opened four in the time it’s taken them to open,” a hungry Hitler muses, name-checking Community Pie, Taco Mamacita, Urban Stack and Milk and Honey).
Indeed, it seems the Sofa King braintrust is taking its new franchise even less seriously than it’s punny name, which ignited a minor media storm and national coverage of the sort local TV stations love. Since then, Sofa King seems to have approached an even keel, stocking enough buns to keep the doors open.
Search “Hitler Reacts to Sofaking Juicyburger Out of Buns,” posted by the mysterious rockshow62, to enjoy the video or click here to see it. And here’s a tip to Sofa King’s owners: Use a clip from the video as an ad. It’s brilliant.