2013 Chattanooga Chamber Open House
Chattanooga Area Chamber of Commerce 811 Broad Street, City of Chattanooga, Tennessee 37402
Thursday, October 24th from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. 2013 Chamber Open House: 811 Broad St. The 2013 Chattanooga Chamber Open House & After Hours brings Chamber members, investors and staffers together to connect in the offices that support the membership network. The purpose of this event is to engage membership, introduce staff to investors, highlight Chamber members, showcase areas for available lease and promote active volunteerism. With over 700 attendees last year, the Chamber is expecting a large turnout from the business community. This is an opportunity for local companies to highlight their brands, network and enter to win grand prizes. For more information, contact Stacy Carmosino at scarmosino@chattanoogachamber.com.