Chakra Colors
Center for Mindful Living 1212 McCallie Avenue, Chattanooga, Tennessee 37404

Chakra Colors
An 8-week mixed media study about color, energy and healing. Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning “wheel or disc”. It describes the spinning energy of the life force we all embody. The human energy field is rooted in seven of these energy centers along the spine and up to the top of the head. Each chakra corresponds to specific color vibration and sound. Typically the chakras are hard to see with the eye, but some psychics and intuitives can actually see the chakras as they spin. The aura created by all seven chakras is often referred to as the 8th chakra. Associated with the chakras are physical, psychological and spiritual qualities that impact our lives. For example, if a chakra is blocked we may find ourselves in physical or emotional discomfort or illness. Healing the chakra energy can improve physical health, result in better relationships and support manifestation. One may find chakras and chakra balancing techniques mentioned in many great traditions like yoga, mediation, crystals, herbs and sound healing. In this 8-week class participants will use art and art making to investigate, describe and support healthy and balanced chakras. Come find your unique place in the spectrum while learning more about color, energy and you.