Chattanooga Autism Awareness Walk
Coolidge Park 1 River Street, City of Chattanooga, Tennessee 37402
The Walk will begin at Coolidge Park at 10:30am sharp. We'll head up to Cherokee Blvd and go across the pedestrian bridge. The route moves around that area and then we come back over the bridge and finish back in Coolidge park. It's a little over 2 miles and only moderately hilly. Those registered can pick up shirts at the park at 8:30am and visit vendors and kids will have some activities. By 10:00am, Mayor Berke and others will helps us kick off the walk which will start at exactly 10:30am at stage area in Coolidge Park. Strollers are welcome! But, the City does not allow dogs on the pedestrian bridge unless they are service dogs. Sorry. There will be signs and banners posted along the route that provide information about autism.