FIT Community –– 21 day FREE wellness program for everyone
St. Lukes UMC 3210 Social Circle, Hamilton County, Tennessee 37415
A completely free 21 day wellness program to help our community move more, weigh less, and have fun!
If you're local, join me for the kick-off meeting on Tuesday, April 5th to learn how you can lose a few pounds and get healthier in just 21 days by simply practicing The Power of Smalls –– making a few small changes that add up to something big!
If you choose to participate you will receive:
- A comprehensive worksheet that helps you effectively plan out your small changes
- Free weekly in-person group workouts for ALL levels (even those who will only be walking)
- Accountability & support on the private Facebook group
This 21 day free program is open to everyone! Young, old, in shape, out of shape, and also for those who do not live in Stuart Heights.
This whole idea got started to help my community but it's open to anyone who wants to get healthier and needs accountability to do it!
You can still participate if you don’t attend the meeting or live local.
Click here for all of the details and to register. YOU MUST REGISTER ON THE WEBSITE: