Jazzanooga Presents: Living Jazz Concert Series
Barking Legs Theater 1307 Dodds Avenue, City of Chattanooga, Tennessee 37404
Jazzanooga has collaborated with Barking Legs Theater to present an ongoing live concert series that specifically features some of Chattanooga’s highly regarded Jazz Musicians, Artists and Performers called “Living Jazz. “This unique showcase will provide audience members with an intimate atmosphere to enjoy and appreciate one of America’s true art forms, Jazz.
The series will begin on Sunday, December 8th at Barking Legs Theater featuring The David Walter Quartet.
Mr. Walters is as well-known in the field of jazz as he is for his extensive work in classical music. He currently serves on the piano faculties of The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, Cadek Conservatory of Music and Chattanooga State Community College where he teaches classical and jazz piano.
His performance resume includes many chamber music concerts with both UTC and Cadek faculty members, solo piano recitals, local and regional appearances with his Jazz band and numerous appearances throughout the area as a solo jazz pianist.
The live performance begins at 5:30pm and general admission is only $10.00 for adults; $5.00 for college students with I.D. Concession area will be available during the performance.