River GORGEous Fall Color Cruise II
Tennessee River Gorge Explorer Pier 2 Riverfront Parkway, City of Chattanooga, Tennessee 37402

River Gorge Fall
Enjoy a 3-hour fall foliage (upstream) cruise through the entire 26 mile Tennessee River Gorge during peak color. Take a commemorative look at the site of Historic Hale's Bar Lock and Dam, the first dam ever built on the Tennessee River. Explore the site's engineering legacy and tales of its haunting 100 years to the day after its construction. Cash bar with wine, beer, soft drinks, and snacks available during the cruise. Lunch, music and return bus transportation provided. *Coupons and other discounts are not valid for this cruise
The Agenda
12:00 p.m. -Board Bus at IMAX to depart for Hale's Bar
1:30 p.m.-Bus arrives at Hale's Bar Marina
2:00 p.m.-River Gorge Explorer departs from Hale's Bar for upstream cruise
3:00-4:00 p.m. - Late lunch aboard River Gorge Explorer
5:00 p.m.- River Gorge Explorer arrives at Chattanooga Pier
All Ages, Limited to 68. $55/Member Adult; $49/Member Child (0-12) $60/Non-Member Adult; $52.50/Non-Member Child (0-12). 12 pm - 3 pm. community.tnaqua.org/