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From April 13 to 22, artists from all over the region will occupy downtown Chattanooga, making the city their own working studio.
As part of the first annual HATCH, the much-buzzed-about collaborative citywide arts and culture showcase, MakeWork will host a 10-day exhibition of 100 creative works established on a 10-by-10-block city footprint. Streets, parking lots, parks and abandoned buildings will become a medium to construct, innovate and celebrate creativity.
These 100 works, spread out from the riverfront to Martin Luther King Boulevard, will include 10 artifacts, which are substantial physical and phenomenal structures, and 90 animations, which are creative happenings sprinkled throughout downtown to engage visitors and enliven their interactions with the artistic displays. These works will inspire and be inspired by the creative spirit of Chattanooga.
The 10 site-specific artifacts, with locations chosen with the help of the Chattanooga History Center, will be spaced throughout this 10-by-10 footprint so that two artifacts in the same area will be highlighted each day. These artifacts involve materiality and formal architecture, and will bring to life the history and culture of the city’s downtown core and give visitors a sense of community and place. Many of these artifacts engage the industrial heritage that is integral to Chattanooga’s identity.
The 90 animations are more fluid than the artifacts, and serve to energize and enliven each block. They are divided into three time-sensitive categories, from short and exciting experiences like a pop-up fashion show to more lasting installations like sculpture and a graffiti skate park.
For all of these works, the aim is to inspire and engage the community of downtown Chattanooga and celebrate its unique culture, creativity and history. For more information, visit makework.is.