Since 2019, Culture Books has been passionate about bridging the gaps between culture and literacy by increasing diversity in literature representation, connecting cultures and building literacy confidence in families through book giveaways and author-showcased read alouds.
Culture Books is all about getting books into the hands of children and families. Books that showcase local authors and authors all over the world, especially to expose kids to culture and the wonderful places you can go inside of a book.
They interview local authors on our Culture Books Read Aloud Online Show and give away their books to kids and families when they comment.
Culture Books also has events that promote culture, connection and creativity. They are hoping to go from bi-annually to quarterly. The just had our first big event since Covid this past July 23rd at the Avondale Community Center and it was a huge success.
Their next event is the A Book a Da: February Giveaway where all kids that sign up get a book by a black author or about Black History. Families, teachers and more can sign up by visiting from now until February for books.
They are hoping to continue to expand and make learning about literacy and culture bigger and better through more events and programs they want to start for our communities. They want to collaborate with as many organizations as possible.