A team of documentary filmmakers are visiting Chattanooga this week to discover the people, organizations and places that make Southern art and design unique.
Titled “Something in Particular: A Chronicle of Southern Creativity,” their project includes visits to 13 cities and will result in a full-length documentary and an interactive website with links to all the places, organizations and people they have encountered.
Choose Chattanooga, a non-profit dedicated to attracting individuals to Chattanooga and helping them relocate, is helping filmmakers James Martin, Melonie Tharpe and Cubby West, who make up the documentary team of “self-proclaimed creatives,” connect with local people doing creative things.
The trio will chronicle how Chattanooga’s history and culture inform its art. The Kickstarter.com-funded project hopes to bring attention to the need for both recognition and funding of the arts in the South as a key economic development strategy.
“Wherever possible, we wanted the SIP team to experience a typical day in Chattanooga life,” said Linda Bennett, executive director of Choose Chattanooga. “ We also wanted them to interact with as many artists as possible during their visit ... where the filmmaking team can enjoy the local culture and interact with other creatives.”
For more information about the project, visit sipdocumentary.com.