Astonishingly, few are tricked into responding to The Pulse’s annoying trolling posts on Facebook, so we turned to a Harris Interactive Poll commissioned by Blazeback, an online backup system, to index regrets in the event of the apocalypse happens on Friday, Dec. 21.
The poll, conducted online from Dec. 7-11, asked 3,036 adults ages 18 and older if the apocalypse were truly coming on this date, what regrets would they have, if any. Here are selected results:
• 70 percent said that they would have some regret.
• 32 percent said that they would regret not traveling more.
• 30 percent said that they would regret not spending more time with their families.
• 23 percent reported that they would regret not following their dreams.
• 22 percent said that they would regret spending too much time worrying about money.
• 25 percent of men reported that they would regret not having had more sex if the Mayan prediction proves true. Interestingly, only 10 percent of women surveyed would have the same regret.
• 14 percent said they would regret working too much if the world came to an end on Friday.
For the record: The Pulse regrets the errors, selling our Apple stock during the Y2K scare and saying “no” to one more for the road last night.