Yard sales typically take place in one yard and only last a few hours. But one yard sale stretches for 690 miles, spans six states, and lasts for four days. Back for its 27th year, the “World’s Longest Yard Sale, The 127 Corridor Sale,” kicks off on August 7 and runs through August 10.
Created in 1987 in order to highlight American back roads, the Sale starts about five miles north of Addison, Michigan,, runs south to Chattanooga, switches to the Lookout Mountain Parkway, and ends Gadsden, Alabama.
No matter what your preferred mode of transportation, be prepared for heavy traffic that may be bumper-to-bumper on the route—and with sudden stops. With thousands of vendors each year, yard sales could be anywhere from front yards to vacant lots. In order ease traffic flow, off-road parking will be available in select areas.
Throughout the years the Sale has increased in popularity, attracting large crowds from around the world. Some travelers have booked their hotel rooms a year in advance, some have stayed with couples that open their house to Sale travelers, and some dedicated bargain hunters have even slept in their cars.
For more information, visit 127sale.com or call (800) 327-3945.