Over one thousand Chattanooga residents completed the “Reimagining Broad Street” survey as part of the first phase of the redevelopment project.
River City Company, in partnership with the City of Chattanooga and Chattanooga Design Studio, is now inviting community members to join for the next phase – a hands-on workshop.
The Reimagining Broad Street project is a detailed, block-by-block urban design analysis that will address public realm improvements, multi-modal transportation enhancements, integrate technology, green infrastructure, parking, and economic development opportunities, all while supporting existing businesses and urban residents.
The hands-on workshop will provide a fun and interactive way for residents to assist the planning team to quickly dive into the details of the plan and inform specific actions to create the short and long-term transformation of Broad Street.
The evening session is the centerpiece of a week-long charrette and will be informative and essential to building consensus and gathering input. The session will include a brief presentation to orient participants to the project, followed by a mapping and visioning exercise. Questions that will be proposed to participants will include:
- “What would you change about the current configuration of Broad Street?”
- “How can the street be better designed to serve and connect Downtown and surrounding neighborhoods?”
- “How can the street space welcome all modes of transportation (walking, biking, shuttle users, cars)?”
Questions like these will start the conversation as participants gather around tables, work in small groups, mark-up maps, and draw ideas.
“We are incredibly grateful to receive over 1300 responses to the initial survey. We heard from residents from all over Chattanooga about their hopes and desires for Broad Street. We look forward to sharing some of the survey responses at the hands-on workshop along with hearing even more detailed visions from the community through the workshop on January 10th,” stated Emily Mack, President & CEO of River City Company.
The hands-on workshop is free and open to the public to attend on January 10th from 5:30pm – 7:30pm at the Tennessee Aquarium River Journey Building. Doors will open at 5pm with light refreshments provided. Participants will also be able to tour the River Journey building exhibits following the hands-on workshop. Registration and more information about the project is available at www.broadstreetcha.com.
The funding for Reimagining Broad Street planning is provided by the Lyndhurst Foundation, Benwood Foundation, City of Chattanooga and River City Company.