“SOUVENIRS. More than Memories … Inspiration”
In-Town Gallery 26 Frazier Avenue, City of Chattanooga, Tennessee 37405
“SOUVENIRS. More than Memories … Inspiration” at In-Town Gallery in April. Whether ascending to extreme heights in search of the perfect photograph, or lounging on a beach, collecting seashells, two Chattanooga artists explored these geographic opposites as more than just tourists. The ‘souvenirs’ they came back with are more than memories. What they experienced became inspiration for their individual artistic pursuits. Spears McAllester went to Nepal to photograph the magnificent peaks of legendary mountains. Barbara Murnan gathered treasures from the sea to incorporate into her copper and silver jewelry. Their newest works will be introduced at the opening reception for “SOUVENIRS. More than Memories … Inspiration” from 5:00pm to 8:00pm on the First Friday, April 5, at In-Town Gallery.