Downtown Chattanooga 503 Market Street, City of Chattanooga, Tennessee 37402

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Large-scale public art installations are coming to Chattanooga!
When artists from all over the region converge on the city April 13 to 22, making it their working studio, ten "artifacts" will headline the exhibition. These large-scale, site-specific installations will be situated on a ten-by-ten-block footprint and will bring to life the history and culture of the downtown core. This celebration of public art, called 10X10, is hosted by MakeWork and is a part of the much-buzzed-about citywide arts and culture showcase HATCH. The artifacts will remain up for viewing for the full ten days, so plan a time to stop by!
Event Website: www.makework.is
Monday through Friday of 10X10, two city blocks and two artifacts, grouped together below, will be highlighted for one day each, with food, fun, and music:
Monday, April 16:
A foam-animal sculpture park at Ross' Landing by the UTC Sculpture Team
A textile-like installation of recycled plastic fibers at Aquarium Bridge by Lucinda Linderman
Tuesday, April 17:
An evening light projection and sound piece at 700 Market, the site of the city's first cinema, by Phillip Lewis
A monumental steel sculpture at Miller Plaza referencing the civil rights movement, by Isaac Duncan
Wednesday, April 18:
A harp-like musical installation at the Walnut Bridge Amphitheater by Greg Pond
Sculptural wooden signs and picket fence commenting on American culture and economy at Fountain Square, by Shane Darwent
Thursday, April 19:
The "Supernova Pavilion" of recycled plastic modules at the Hunter Museum by architect Gernot Riether
A cast bronze female figure at the bluff overlook, by Chattanooga sculptor Cessna Decosimo
Friday, April 20:
A clothesline installation of acrylic prints on Patten Parkway by Amy Landesberg
A labyrinth dedicated to the history of the Martin Hotel at the Bessie Smith Cultural Center, by Rondell Crier