AVA Art Camp - Session 4/Ages 4-5
Baylor School 171 Baylor School Road, City of Chattanooga, Tennessee 37405
Session 4/June 24-28/ 9 am - noon
Mini Masters/Ages 4-5
Stacey Alverson
This session will introduce children to the fundamentals of the visual language, such as line, color and shape. Participants will get a chance to create their very own masterpieces.
AVA’s Art Camp offers weeklong in-depth classes led by professional artists that cover a range of topics in 2-D and 3-D art. A variety of age-appropriate classes with a different focus are offered throughout June and July.
Full Day Programs: $235 (non-AVA members) | $185 (AVA members)
Half Day Programs (4&5 years): $115 (Non-AVA members) | $95 (AVA members)
For more information about AVA Arts, please visit www.avarts.org
Register online at www.Baylorschool.org/summer or www.avarts.org/artcamp or contact AVA’s Director of Programs, Lauren Goforth, at lgoforth@avarts.org or 423.265.4282 ext.105 for more information.