"Boeing Boeing"
Signal Mountain Arts Community Center 809 Kentucky Ave, City of Chattanooga, Tennessee
What: Signal Mountain Playhouse comedy “Boeing Boeing”
(Recommended for adults and mature teens)
When: Fridays & Saturdays in February (2/10, 11, 17, 18, 24, & 25)
Time: Ticket Sales & Dessert begin at 6:45 – Show begins at 8:00
Tickets: $15 at the door, cash or checks please
Where: Mountain Arts Community Center (MACC)
809 Kentucky Avenue, Signal Mountain, TN
Info.: smph.org; Facebook at Signal Mountain Playhouse;
(423)763-7219; and signalmountainplayhouse@gmail.com
This 1960’s era French farce tells the story of Bernard Lawrence, a ladies’ man, who is engaged to three international airline stewardesses at one time. Each stewardess thinks she’s Bernard’s one and only and lives in his flat while on layovers, coming and going as her schedule dictates. Bernard keeps this testy arrangement in sync with the help of his housekeeper, Berthe. However, when jet planes get faster, problems arise with the timing. Come watch the fireworks in this favorite, Tony Award-winning, worldwide comedy.