Bug-a-Palüza 14
Camp Jordan Park 323 Camp Jordan Pkwy., East Ridge, Tennessee 37412

Bug-a-Palüza 14
Begun in 1999, Bug-a-Palüza has grown from a handful of enthusiasts spending a Sunday afternoon in the dealership parking lot to one of the largest annual VW events in the region. Each year, we have a record-breaking turnout and this year will be no different. Last year, we had over 300 show cars, over 70 vendors, and thousands of spectators.
With 49 show classes for both air and water-cooled VWs, you are certain to find one to enter. Our trophies are hand-made and one-of-a-kind, featuring a VW connecting rod on top of a solid wood base. You won't find anything like it at any other show, only at Bug-a-Palüza!