CGLA Carnival
Chattanooga Girls Leadership Academy 1802 Bailey Avenue, City of Chattanooga, Tennessee 37404
Saturday, May 11 from 10AM-3PM - CGLA Campus, 1802 Bailey Avenue. The event will feature several fun games for the family, the classic "cake walk", arts and crafts, face painting, silent auction, food vendors, a DJ and more! All proceeds will benefit academic and enrichment programs at CGLA! To learn more about the Carnival, visit, call 423-702-7320, or email GeGe Harris, Event Chair, at
A special thanks to our sponsors and partners: BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee, Chattanooga Bakery, Coca Cola Bottling, Cracker Barrel, Educational Outfitters, Enzo's Market, Holder's Concessions, McKee Foods, Mojo Burrito, PD Entertainment, Rave Theater, Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum, and several individual donors!