SportsBarn North 1790 Hamill Road, Chattanooga, Tennessee
SPORTSBARN, Chattanooga’s premier heatlth and fitness club since 1979, has partnered with CrossFit Hixson [CFH], an independent CrossFit affiliate, to open a 3,000 square foot training facility located at SPORTSBARNs Hixson location off Hwy 153 at 1790 Hamill Road. To celebrate the new “box,” CFH will host an Open House on Saturday, April 27. The public is encouraged to attend.
The Open House begins at 11A with a free, “all levels” CrossFit workout. CFH coaches will also be available to discuss OnRamp [intro class] and answer questions about CrossFit training. Learn about membership options — join CrossFit Hixson or join both CFH and SPORTSBARN at a special rate.
Can’t make it? No problem. Call 423.987.2223 to drop-in a workout for free!