Ensemble Theatre of Chattanooga 5705 Uptain Road, City of Chattanooga, Tennessee
"FALSETTOS is a musical about one man's self discovery in a world of traditions, expectations and desires. It's about his relationships and the impact those relationships have on him,” says director Garry Lee Posey. “There is right and there is wrong, but each person manipulates them slightly. We observe the rules but skew them to make sense of our feelings. In the end, how we reflect on our past is how we checkmate life's curve balls."
“For me, what separates this musical from the rest is the intensity of the music,” says music director John Thomas Cecil. “The music is sincere, not forced. I believe it reinforces that singing is an extension of speech. It continually takes me by surprise and gives me chills.”
The directors aren’t the only ones brimming with enthusiasm; it’s a sentiment shared by the cast as well. “This rehearsal process has been wonderful,” says actor Jeff Parker. “This show is strange and whimsical, dealing with the incredibly straightforward issues of time, love and family. It is 'real-life' beautiful: not the glamorized, air-brushed and edited beauty, but the kind of flawed beauty we encounter in our day to day lives. It possesses an inner beauty just as all of us do.”
Featuring: Marianna Allen, John Thomas Cecil, Sydney Hooper, Ryan Laskowski, Jeffrey Benson Parker, Emma Wiseman and Alex Zukowsk