East Ridge Community Center 1517 Tombras Ave., City of Chattanooga, Tennessee
FarleyCon, The East Ridge Toy and Comic Book Expo will be returning to East Ridge on Saturday March 17th at the East Ridge Community Center at 1517 Tombras Ave, East Ridge, TN .
Appearing at The East Ridge Toy and Comic Book Expo is Michael Copon who played Lucas Kendall, The Blue Power Rangers from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Time Force, Keith Brooks who is best known for his role on AMC’s The Walking Dead as Dan (AKA Deserve It Dan), Artist Dylan Bailey, a 16 year old aspiring artist from Ringgold, Ga and is a student at Heritage High School. Fresh from Stranger Things 2 is Kaylie Turner and from as seen on AMC’s The Walking Dead Josh "TKO" Turner and Scott Lane. Tickets are $5.00 and kids 12 and under are free with paid adult.