Mini-Forest Revolution: Using the Miyawaki Method to Rapidly Rewild the World
Online City of Chattanooga, Tennessee
Tennessee Valley Chapter of Wild Ones
Public Programs - Newsletter - 2
Join us for our free public program!
The Tennessee Valley Chapter of Wild One's welcomes Hannah Lewis, the author of Mini-Forest Revolution: Using the Miyawaki Method to Rapidly Rewild the World as this month's public programs speaker.
This unique approach to reforestation was devised by Japanese botanist Akira Miyawaki. Lewis will explain how tiny forests can grow quickly and offer rich biodiversity and environmental benefits, more so than forests planted by conventional methods.
This program could not be more timely as plans are underway for Chattanooga to develop our urban canopy with funding from a $6 million grant from the Dept. of Agriculture.
Zoom link for May 13th: