Student Loan Repayment Workshop
The Chattery 1800 Rossville Avenue, Suite 108, City of Chattanooga, Tennessee 37408
Student Loan Repayment Workshop
This student loan repayment session will focus on different payment plan options and how to decide which is best for you, plus which career fields offer options for loan forgiveness.
More about this workshop:
Studies have shown that financially educated consumers actively plan for retirement and accrue more wealth over time than those who do not have the same knowledge. Additionally, those with limited financial literacy tend to borrow more without accruing wealth, which results in incredibly high fees for loans and other financial products.
To put it simply, financial education creates stability; the lack of it, struggle. To make sure all Chattanoogans have access to financial tools and education, in 2014, Chattanooga Neighborhood Enterprise (CNE) created its Money School program. Money School began as a single-day, annual event offering classes on a variety of financial topics, and now, due to growing demand, the programming has expanded, and we’re offering Money School opportunities throughout the year.
For this event, CNE is happy to introduce Money School partner, SouthEast Bank, to lead a session on student loan repayment. Instructor, Chad Adams, has been in the banking business for 20+ years.
Please note: Masks are required.