yes you CAN! Food Canning class!
UT Extension Office 6183 Adamson Cir., City of Chattanooga, Tennessee

Home food canning examples in glass jars.
Learn to Safely Can Food at Home!
Join UT Extension to learn the latest research and technology for home canning basics. Participants will learn the equipment needed, where to find tested recipes and easy methods for preserving fresh food.
Classes will be held June 19 (10:00-12:00), June 21 (1:00-3:00), June 25 (5:30-7:30) and June 29 (10:00-12:00).
Register with credit card at or send check made payable to University of Tennessee and mail to UT Extension, 6183 Adamson Circle, Chattanooga, TN 37416 or drop it off between 8:00-4:30 M-F. Call 423-209-8563 or visit for more information.