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Pat Hagan | Age: 62
- Occupation: Patient care technician at Memorial Hospital, retired TVA accountant
- Website/Facebook Page:
- I’m running because … “I know I can handle the job of a city council person. I’m a common citizen with common sense.” And from his website: “The City Council represents the people, it is not a place to make a name for yourself.”
- Pulse Intern Rating: Accessibility: 8 | Responsiveness: 7 | Earnestness: 6 | Pleasant/Eager to Talk: 7 | Perception: 6
- Seems like a neat guy, but he doesn’t have the political strategies other candidates have to achieve the goals of their platforms.
Chip Henderson | Age: 52
- Occupation: Owner, Henderson Construction Company
- Website/Facebook Page:
- I’m running because … “I got into the race after members of the community suggested I consider running and now I feel I can make a difference. I have 22 years of running a successful business.”
- Pulse Intern Rating: Accessibility: 3 | Responsiveness: 7 | Earnestness: 7 | Pleasant/Eager to Talk: 8 | Perception: 7
- Accessibility was an issue, but I could see him doing a good job. I’d be most likely to vote for him (our intern said).
Jim Folkner | Age: 61
- Occupation: Semi-retired businessman
- Website/Facebook Page:
- I’m running because … “The government has lost touch. I’m tired of seeing money wasted on irrelevant issues. Wages of city workers and the police are too low, crime too high, and funding for the essential services is blown on wellness issues. I’m the right person to change that.”
- Pulse Intern Rating: Accessibility: 7 | Responsiveness: 8 | Earnestness: 7 | Pleasant/Eager to Talk: 9 | Perception: 8
- Led citizen group to recall Mayor Ron Littlefield. Funny guy, pleasantly chatted for 10 minutes. He knows his stuff and is interested in public safety. I liked him (said our intern), but Henderson is the better choice.
- Editor’s note: Folkner is the Tea Party gadfly who led the unsuccessful Recall Ron efforts. He bounces between Chattanooga and Red Bank in attempt to find support and an office.
Tom McCullough | Age: 66
- Occupation: Recently “retired” principal of Signal Mountain Middle/High School.
- I’m running because … “I’ve spent 36 years in the education system and now want to continue that public service and make a difference in peoples’ lives in the community.”
- Pulse Intern Rating: Accessibility: 5 | Responsiveness: 3 | Earnestness: 3 | Pleasant/Eager to Talk: 4 | Perception: 4
- McCullough was suspended (later lifted) then retired from his post as principal of Signal Mountain Middle/High School when a scandal put him in the crosshairs after a supervised student trip involving alcohol came to light. He said he couldn’t handle the nepotism and “it’s-who-you-know” at Signal Mountain High. Can he remain fair in a city council position and not bow to those with high demands?
- Editor’s note: McCullough was principal at Hixson High in the early 1980s, where he could have been the model for the fictional principal in “The Breakfast Club.” Some things never change.
—Pulse interns Gaby Dixon, Julia Sharp and Esan Swan contributed mightily to this project. The comments following their ratings are their own and do not reflect the opinion of The Pulse. The editor’s notes are his own opinions and do not reflect those of Brewer Media, but do reflect those of The Pulse.