The Hamilton County Health Department announces safety tips ahead of the holiday weekend and summer season.
Memorial Day weekend is the official kick-off for summer, and it's a time when many residents will enjoy outdoor activities. So whether it's swimming in our beautiful waterways, exploring the area's mountain terrain, or celebrating with loved ones, the Hamilton County Health Department encourages residents to make safety a part of this summer's plans.
"With the sunshine, warm weather, and beautiful scenery here in Tennessee, many residents will participate in fun activities this summer. Unfortunately, though this time of year can be exciting, it can also be dangerous if the proper safety precautions are not in place. Remember that the best summers are safe summers," says Dr. Stephen Miller, Hamilton County Health Department's Health Officer.
Water Safety
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in the United States, every year, there are over 4,000* fatal unintentional drownings, including boating-related drowning.
- Never leave children unattended in or near a body of water, and always designate an adult to watch over the area.
- Learn how to swim and teach your child how to swim.
- Always wear a life jacket.
- Know the risks of natural waters - Lakes, rivers, and oceans have hidden hazards such as dangerous currents, waves, rocks, and limited visibility.
- Avoid drinking alcohol before or during swimming, boating, or other water activities.
- If in a personal pool/community pool, be aware of the chemical levels and the Health Department’s health score.
Outdoor Safety
- Always bring a first aid kit.
- Never feed wild animals – if bitten by a wild animal, seek medical attention & contact the Health Department’s Rabies Program at 423-209-8110.
- Stay hydrated & be aware of the symptoms of a heat stroke.
- Wear sunscreen & insect repellant.
Road Safety
More than 30 percent of deaths involving teen drivers occur during the “100 Deadliest Days” - a period that runs from Memorial Day to Labor Day, according to AAA.
- Check the back seat for children, pets, or elderly adults before locking & exiting your vehicle.
- Never drink and drive. Have a sober ride home.
- Always wear your seatbelt and obey the speed limit.
- Never Text and Drive.