“We must free ourselves of the hope that the sea will ever rest. We must learn to sail in high winds.” — Aristotle Onassis
OK, so everyone living a completely worry-free, nothing’s-ever-wrong, smooth-sailing kind of life raise your hand.
Nice fantasy, right? Well, maybe. We don’t learn the important things in life from the smooth, easy times, though. But we certainly learn—if we’re open—from the rocky, challenging times.
So how do we make the most of those chapters of life when we have to sail in high winds? Health, finances, family, loss, relationships, school, work…these can make for some tremendously rocky seas.
And yet, it’s reality. There’s nothing wrong with hoping for a restful sea, provided we can see things as they are. Perhaps the point is to learn, to use our tools and support system, our gathered wisdom, and then—move on. Confident that smoother sailing will have its turn.